November 2024
Roger is grateful for God’s blessings on their trip to Portugal at the beginning of November. Redemption Hill provided funds for several people to go on this trip which allowed them to pursue God’s leading on church planting in Portugal. Since Brazilians already know Portuguese, they are primed to be able to join church planting efforts in Portugal, and those on the trip interacted with several church planters as they sought God’s guidance on whether they would be good fits to join them in this effort. Pray that God would guide their decision-making as they consider this option.
One of the members of the trip created a short video detailing some of the events from the trip, which you can view below.
In addition to church planting in Portugal, Brazilian believers are also seeking to plant churches in their home country. Pastor Marcos, who has been ministering with Pastor Roger and Pastor Eriomar in Aracaju, is moving to the interior to plant a church there. Please pray that God would bless him and his family as they take this step. Specifically, pray that God would lead Pastor Marcos to know exactly where to plant this church as the need is great throughout the interior.
Pastor Marcos and family
How to pray
Pray that God would give wisdom to those who went to Portugal and are considering church planting there.
Pray for Pastor Marcos and his family as they move to plant a church in the interior of Brazil. Specifically pray that God would direct him to know where in the interior to plant the church.
Pray that God would provide a replacement vehicle for Pastor Eriomar.
Pray that God would bless the new church plant in Gloria.
Pray for the youth in the church in Aracaju as they prepare to take a missions trip, specifically that God would bless their efforts to raise support.
Pray that God would develop many future leaders to aid in the ministry in Brazil.
Pray that Pastor Roger would have strength and patience to continue enduring his Parkinson’s symptoms and that doctors would have wisdom and skill in diagnosing and treating it. Specifically pray that the doctors who saw him in the states would be able to help him.
Pray for the leadership in Aracaju:
Pastor Roger Johansen.
Pastor Eriomar Maia.
Fiji Bible College is praising God for his provision in the past month. First, they are immensely grateful for the 50th anniversary celebration and graduation that occurred in October. God has been faithful to the school throughout this half-century, and those involved are confident that he will continue to do so in the next 50 years.
On the Fiji Bible College website, Dr. Narayan has provided a reflection on the school’s history and the anniversary events, including many pictures from the celebration. You can view that post by clicking the link below.
In addition, God answered the prayers of many for a new van for the school!
Now that the school year has come to a close in Fiji, Premend Choy will use the time to come to the U.S. to continue his own studies at Midwestern Baptist theological Seminary. He will be in Kansas City for the first half of December. Pray for his travels and hist studies during this time.
HOW to pray
Pray for God to bring students and teachers for the new Evangelism Class in Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands.
Pray that God would provide the necessary funds for the school to continue operating as needed.
Pray that God would continue to use the faculty and graduates of Fiji Bible College to reach the many different islands of Fiji.
Pray that Premend Choy and his family would have a safe and fruitful time in the U.S. in December.
Pray that God would sustain the leaders who minister in Fiji and the surrounding region:
Dr. Narayan Nair and family
President Premend Choy and family
Michael Seehusen and family
Pastor Brian had a fruitful visit in Honduras where he taught and preached, instructing believers there. While he was there, the believers in Sinaloa were holding an event called NextGen Camp for youth and young adults. Pray that God would produce fruit both in Honduras and in Sinaloa from each of these efforts.
Once Pastor Brian returned from Honduras, he quickly got back to ministry in Mexico and took advantage of several opportunities to preach in the churches in Los Mochis and Mochicahui. This weekend he will visit two churches in the neighboring state of Nayarit. He will help with the ordination of Pastor Javier in the city of Tepic, then preach in a church in the city of Compostela with Pastor Joel. As Pastor Brian continues his busy schedule, pray that he would have energy and strength for these travels and long days.
How to pray
Pray for fruit from the recent ministry efforts in Sinaloa and Honduras.
Pray for Pastor Brian’s involvement in the churches in Nayarit this weekend, specifically that he would have endurance and that God would be glorified in both churches he will visit.
Pray that God would continue blessing Iglesia Biblical Redencion in Los Mochis.
Pray that Tony de la Cruz and Yosimar Moya would continue to grow in their ministry at IBR.
Pray that God would bless Pastor Brian in his ministry to Pastoral Resident Cesar.
Pray that God would continue to strengthen and grow the churches in Sinaloa.
Pray for Pastor Brian as he trains and equips church leaders in Mexico, Honduras, and Peru both virtually and in person.
Pray for Danyel as she joins her husband Brian in serving in various capacities in the church plant.
Pray for the entire team helping to plant the church in Los Mochis:
Pastor Brian Warne and wife Danyel
Pastor Antonio de la Cruz and wife Alicia
Pastoral Resident Tony de la Cruz, wife Avi, and family
Pastoral Resident Yosimar Moya, wife Paula, and family
Deacon Seth, wife Mavy, and family
Deacon Will, wife Jasmin, and family