December 2023


God has been faithful in the ministry in Los Mochis as Iglesia Biblia Redención has begun to meet. The church is excited for the dozens of visitors who have been attending and have been reaching out to follow up with many of these people.

Both the new church in Los Mochis and the sending church in Mochicahui have outreach activities planned for Christmas, and they hope to reach many with the message of hope in Christ. In addition, the two bodies will meet together on Christmas for a combined service to worship and take the Lord’s Supper together.

Brian continues to lead a busy schedule. God allowed him to travel through Honduras, teaching in several seminaries and churches while he visited. He is currently preparing for a large pastors conference from January 16-18. Over three hundred pastors from five countries are expected to attend. Brian and his team desire that this conference would encourage and equip these pastors and strengthen churches throughout Latin America.

How to pray

  • Pray that the members of Iglesia Biblia Redención would be faithful to reach out and disciple the visitors who have been attending. Pray that God would be faithful to save unbelievers and grow believers there.

  • Pray for the Christmas outreaches at the churches in Los Mochis and Mochicahui.

  • Pray for Brian’s efforts in planning and helping with the pastors conference in January. Pray that those who attend will be filled up with truth and encouragement and will benefit the churches to which they return.

  • Pray for Danyel as she joins her husband Brian in serving in various capacities in the church plant.

  • Pray for the entire team helping to plant the church in Los Mochis:

    • Pastor Antonio de la Cruz and wife Alicia

    • Pastoral Resident Tony de la Cruz, wife Avi, and family

    • Pastoral Resident Yosimar Moya, wife Paula, and family

    • Deacon Seth, wife Mavy, and family

    • Deacon Will, wife Jasmin, and family


The Johansens are rejoicing in God’s work through their outreach program, Journey to Christmas (similar to Journey to Judea at Countryside). This year the attendance was double the amount who attended last year, and fifteen people made professions of faith. The church is currently following up with these people to provide discipleship and accountability as they begin to follow Jesus. As the church body served in this outreach, they demonstrated a spirit of love for others and a zeal for evangelism, which encouraged Roger greatly.

Roger, Crystal, and James plan to return to Kansas for Christmas to see their family. They hope to stay long enough for the birth of another grandson in January. Roger is also grateful for a new medication prescribed to him to help with the medical issues he’s been facing. The medicine is helping him to deal with the symptoms he’s been experiencing.

How to pray

  • Pray for the fifteen people who professed their faith in Christ after Journey to Christmas. Pray that God has truly regenerated these people and that they would continue to follow Jesus. Pray that the church in Aracaju would be faithful to pursue and disciple these people and that they would grow in their new faith as a result.

  • Pray for the Johansens as they return to Kansas for Christmas. Pray that they would have a restful time and would be able to stay long enough for the birth of their new grandson.

  • Pray for Roger to get more answers on his health issues and that the new medication would continue to work.

  • Pray for the leadership in Aracaju:

    • Pastor Roger Johansen

    • Pastor Eriomar Maia

    • Pastor Marcos


January 2024


November 2023