March 2024
Premend Choy, the president of Fiji Bible College, and Michael Seehusen enjoyed attending the Shepherd’s Conference in California. Pastor JD and Steven were able to visit with Premend while they were together at the conference, one of the highlights of the week. Premend also wanted to communicate his gratitude to our body for how we were able to give towards Fiji Bible College
The upcoming graduation at Fiji Bible College marks the 50th class in the history of the school. Praise God for his faithfulness in sustaining the school through these 5 decades!
Pastor JD, Pastor Steven, and Premend at Shepherd’s Conference
Premend visiting a supporting church in Idaho after Shepherd’s Conference.
HOW to pray
Pray that Dr. Narayan’s contact in the Methodist Church of Fiji would be willing to work with and adopt Dr. Narayan’s plan to help equip leaders with biblical training to preach and teach in their churches. Pray that the Methodist Church as a whole would be supportive as well.
Pray that God would provide the funds to support this project.
Pray that God would use the funds Redemption Hill is sending to Fiji Bible College to further the ministry of equipping pastors to lead churches biblically and effectively.
Pray that God would sustain the leaders of Fiji Bible College:
Dr. Narayan Nair and family
President Premend Choy and family
Michael Seehusen and family.
The church plant in Los Mochis, Iglesia Biblical Redencion, is growing and thriving. A new couple has begun attending and has plugged in significantly, getting involved in the life of the church. Another person is preparing to be baptized soon.
As Pastor Brian Warne serves in his own church in Sinaloa, Mexico, he is also heavily involved in training leaders to go out to churches throughout Latin America. Men from his church and from churches around the world come to Brian to be discipled and then seek to replicate that discipleship in other churches. Pray for Tony and Yosimar, two men currently training in this pastoral residency. Pray also for Cesar who is being evaluated as a potential future pastoral resident.
Pastor Brian is also preparing to speak at Countryside Church’s Youth camp in June where he will share about God’s mission to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. Pray for him as he prepares to share and for the students attending that they would catch the vision God lays out in Scripture.
How to pray
Pray for current pastoral residents Tony and Yosimar and potential future pastoral resident Cesar.
Pray that God would continue to strengthen and grow the churches in Sinaloa.
Pray for Pastor Brian as he trains and equips church leaders both virtually and in person in Mexico.
Pray for Pastor Brian as he prepares to speak at Countryside’s Youth camp in June and for the students attending the camp.
Pray for Danyel as she joins her husband Brian in serving in various capacities in the church plant.
Pray for the entire team helping to plant the church in Los Mochis:
Pastor Brian Warne and wife Danyel
Pastor Antonio de la Cruz and wife Alicia
Pastoral Resident Tony de la Cruz, wife Avi, and family
Pastoral Resident Yosimar Moya, wife Paula, and family
Deacon Seth, wife Mavy, and family
Deacon Will, wife Jasmin, and family
Pastor Roger is praising God for the ways God has grown the church in Aracaju. As God has worked to save and grow people through the ministry of the Word in the church, Pastor Roger is seeking guidance on how to utilize potential leaders either in their church or to plant another church elsewhere.
Pastor Roger specifically asks for prayer for people that their church is evangelizing, Beatriz and Sergio. Pray that God would save them both. Also pray for the health of Roger and his wife Crystal as both deal with manageable, but significant health issues.
How to pray
Pray that Pastor Roger would have strength and patience to continue enduring his pre-Parkinson’s symptoms and that doctors would have wisdom and skill in diagnosing and treating it.
Pray that Crystal would be pain-free until she can have her gall bladder removed this fall.
Pray for Pastor Roger and the rest of the leaders would have wisdom in utilizing the blessings God has given their church. Pray that God would use the people in their body to continue growing their own church and to plant other churches in Brazil and throughout the Portuguese-speaking countries in the world.
Pray for the children of the Johansens and the Maias as they study:
Juliana Johansen as she finishes her first year of college in West Virginia.
James Johansen as he studies in high school in Aracaju.
Marcos Maia as he studies in a Bible School in the Amazon.
Pray for the leadership in Aracaju:
Pastor Roger Johansen.
Pastor Eriomar Maia.
Pastor Marcos.