January 2025


Over the last year, Pastor Roger has been working to establish a new church plant in a city named Gloria. This past Saturday the church there held an inauguration service. Praise God for growing his church! The church also recently held an evangelism outreach for kids and adults, which is pictured below. Pray for this new church, especially for Pastor Marcos who is leading the church plant.

Please also pray for the work of the gospel in Aracaju where Pastor Roger pastors. Recently, after a special outreach service where Pastor Roger preached the gospel, the Holy Spirit moved in a woman named Jasmine. She shared with Crystal that she wanted to trust in Christ for salvation that night. Praise God for his saving power!

Pastor Roger is currently leading the church in Aracju through training in evangelism. Please pray that more people will be reached with the gospel. Pray especially that God would open the heart of a man named Erasmo who is not a believer.

How to pray

  • Pray that God would bless the new church plant in Gloria, especially Pastor Marcos who is leading the church

  • Pray that God would grow the church’s desire and ability to evangelize.

  • Pray that God would save Erasmo.

  • Pray that God would give wisdom to those who went to Portugal and are considering church planting there, especially Pastor Gerson and Debra.

  • Pray that God would develop many future leaders to aid in the ministry in Brazil.

  • Pray that Pastor Roger would have strength and patience to continue enduring his Parkinson’s symptoms and that doctors would have wisdom and skill in diagnosing and treating it. Specifically pray that the doctors who saw him in the states would be able to help him.

  • Pray for the leadership in Aracaju:

    • Pastor Roger Johansen.

    • Pastor Eriomar Maia.


Dr. Narayan at Fiji Bible College has several praises and requests as he looks toward the new year. He praises God for the rice donated by a ministry called Barnabas Aid. As his team distributed this through Fiji, it served as a blessing to impoverished people and an opportunity to share the gospel far and wide. Praise God for these means to tangibly love others with food and the gospel!

Dr. Narayan sadly reports that Monika, the woman facing kidney failure, passed away. Pray especially for her family who is grieving and is need of the gospel. Pray that God would comfort and save them.

Lastly, several buildings at the college are in need of significant repair. The Vocational School has about $15,000 worth of termite damage, and other buildings throughout the school require upkeep to keep them from suffering similar damage. Pray that God would provide these funds.

HOW to pray

  • Pray that God would use the gospel conversations from the rice distribution to work in people’s hearts.

  • Pray that God would comfort and save Monika’s family.

  • Pray that God would provide for the financial needs of the Bible College as they seek to repair the buildings on campus.

  • Pray that God would sustain the leaders who minister in Fiji and the surrounding region:

    • Dr. Narayan Nair and family

    • President Premend Choy and family

    • Michael Seehusen and family


Recently Pastor Brian led the Portavoces Pastors Conference in Sinaloa. This ministry served over 500 pastors and church leaders from at least six countries. Over 3 days, these pastors heard teaching and enjoyed fellowshipping together. Pray that God would use this time of encouragement to energize these church leaders as they return to their congregations throughout Latin America.

Pastors worshipping at the Portavoces Conference

Now that this conference has completed, Pastor Brian has been working on another pastors conference, Proclama, which will be held in Lima, Peru. This conference will begin next week and run for three days.

How to pray

  • Pray that God would use the Portavoces Conference to encourage churches throughout Latin America.

  • Pray that God would bless the Proclama conference in Lima, Peru next week.

  • Pray that God would continue blessing Iglesia Biblical Redencion in Los Mochis.

  • Pray that Tony de la Cruz and Yosimar Moya would continue to grow in their ministry at IBR.

  • Pray that God would bless Pastor Brian in his ministry to Pastoral Resident Cesar.

  • Pray that God would continue to strengthen and grow the churches in Sinaloa.

  • Pray for Pastor Brian as he trains and equips church leaders in Mexico, Honduras, and Peru both virtually and in person.

  • Pray for Danyel as she joins her husband Brian in serving in various capacities in the church plant.

  • Pray for the entire team helping to plant the church in Los Mochis:

    • Pastor Brian Warne and wife Danyel

    • Pastor Antonio de la Cruz and wife Alicia

    • Pastoral Resident Tony de la Cruz, wife Avi, and family

    • Pastoral Resident Yosimar Moya, wife Paula, and family

    • Deacon Seth, wife Mavy, and family

    • Deacon Will, wife Jasmin, and family


February 2025


December 2024