Risk, Revelation, and Rescue

After a long day of preaching and feeding the multitude, Jesus sends the twelve across the Sea of Galilee and retreats to the mountain alone to pray. Seeing that they are struggling through the storm, Jesus goes to them on the water. He intends to pass by, like God did before Moses in Exodus, revealing His glory. But upon seeing their fear He comes to them and speaks to them, encouraging, informing, and instructing them. Jesus says, "It is I," literally, "I AM." The One who walks on water, the One who calms the storm, the One in the boat with them is none other than the Great I AM. The disciples are astounded and still do not understand. Their hearts are hardened. Faith requires more than being presented with sufficient evidence; it requires a change of heart. What is the condition of your heart towards Jesus?

Audio is unavailable, but the sermon manuscript is available upon request


Hypocritical Hand Washing


The Good Shepherd Feeds the Sheep